Friday, November 19, 2010

Spirituality and Religion

Religion is often the vehicle by which we search for spirituality. This is not a condemnation of religions. I fear however that religion attempts to promise earthly rewards as an expression of spiritual growth. We are promised, by religion, many things from wealth on earth or even in some cases possession of multiple virgins an earthly desire as a reward for following fundamentalism of certain sects. You might ask in reference to the latter,”What do the virgins get.”
Maybe the most divisive of the forces among us with the exception of Politics; spirituality is key to” we the people” finding unity. What we must call upon in this category is the essence of spirituality. That essence is the ability for tolerance between the most avid atheist and the most zealous fundamentalist. These extremes of belief are the greatest bar against unity. We must when caught in this debate refer back to the basic principle of each tenant. We must ask ourselves, does our actions are our ideology harm another or does it harm the whole. Is that the purpose of either, to harm. No, actually as I understand both it is based on a principle of personal responsibility to not only avoid harm of others but to actually add benefit to oneself is to add benefit to the human race.
You must agree that if four people view a cloud above the horizon at the same moment each sees a different scene. Even though they look at a single object their perspective is different based on an infinite number of reasons. One may see an image of a chariot pulled by fiery horses while another sees simply vapors that form a mass of water droplets and yet another may see the face of God as he understands Him. In each of their minds and in each of their views at that moment in time the object they observe is as they see it, yet this object is simply what it is. Because they see it does not change what it is or how it benefits or plays its roll in the nature of the planet. All may know that it is a cloud. All may know that it looks exactly as they see it but all are capable of believing that the other observers may see it as they believe they see it. I believe you see a face but I do not see it. However I do not have to argue that you do not see it. I may also be able to see all of the different perspective if I am of an open enough mind to do so. I do not condemn you for not seeing it my way. I may wish you saw the chariot but since my ego is not involved I can tolerate your viewpoint. I can see the face of God yet still know that the cloud is a vapor of water droplets.
Having been born into a formal religion a man is conditioned into certain moral and ethical beliefs. Also this man may also be educated into certain rituals that have symbolic or sometimes more concrete spiritual meaning. Whether it is a specific religion or possibly a practice or even a form of scientific agnosticism the environmental impact on the human mind is usually life long. Though often some dramatic event may affect the mind of the individual the basic beliefs endure to some degree. Often I am sure the belief is an expanded version of the original education. Sometimes also the original philosophy is totally rejected out of anger, fear or remorse or any number of rationales. But I believe that the basic education is still in place whether rejected or expanded. I could be for instance angry at my church for what I perceive to be its fallacy but I still understand what its teachings were. We often hear people describe themselves as a recovering______________ naming a religion.
We have seen extremes of actions both in zealous promotion and acts for and against religions. There have been threats of banishment to hell as well as actual physical violence to humanity and even suicide. Hate in the name of God. It seems so unspiritual to me. I am not here however to judge the past. That is left to those more qualified to judge as well as to God if He is a judge. The purpose of this discussion is to find whatever common ground there may be and to emphasize that common ground in order to have a united stand against the Government intervention in the spiritual lives of people no matter what their belief. This is freedom of Religion. We must be united for freedom of and not from each individuals own belief. The dilemma seems to be that religions, all of which stem from one source which should bring about unity have brought about war. In the war of religions; the source is political power, in the unity of religion; the source is of spiritual power. If you look for the power source of your religion and you find a politician: eliminate his power. “Give to Caesar what is Caesars and to God what is God’s.”

Kjawns words: There is an old joke about a hired hand who got so...

Kjawns words: There is an old joke about a hired hand who got so...: "There is an old joke about a hired hand who got some whiskey from his boss. When asked how it was He said 'just Right'. If it was any worse ..."

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


 What exists to day is a great inequity. The wealth producers of this country are supporting an insatiable Monster. The wealth producers are you and me that create the wealth. The insatiable Monster is our Government. The irony is that the Monster borrows money from our enemies and requires the wealth Producers to pay this money back to our enemies at interest. Why would not the Monster borrow the money from the wealth producers rather than our enemies?
 You sa that the wealth producers do not have enough to lend. Than have the Monster stop the spending. 

If you wonder how you will learn to live as a socialist in America. If you wonder what it will be like when the socialists’ policies rule in medicine and business and all of the necessities of our life, you may want to learn by going to a US post Office and while you are waiting in line, as a meditation, blame yourself for why it is taking so long.
One of the problems with politics is that if a man has enough experience to do a good job he has probably got too many skeletons in his closet to get elected and if he has got no skeletons in his closet than he does not have the experience to do the job. Politics spends so much time paying attention to your past that it fails to see what you are doing today. Business on the other hand rewards or punishes you for what you do today. Politicians operate under the assumption that the last guy screwed it up and the next guy is going to fixit.
When I speak of Politics I mainly reference my experience within my own City, State and Country. Though I often draw parallels to other locations
The first qualification of a “good” politician must be love of country. Not to love it as they would have it but to love it as it was founded. If a qualified politician cannot be found than find some one qualified to buy him. That way he will act in a qualified way.
Our Greatest freedom is the freedom to fail and the freedom to raise ourselves from defeat. Do not let your Government steal this freedom from you, for from failure comes creation. Why doesn’t the government ever lay off workers when there is a “financial crisis”?
The government never has a financial crisis until they run out of people to take money from. But here I go you see. I have fallen into the trap of arguing politics as if it were something other than a business. You see, when I do not look at politics as a business I fail to look at it in a true light. I fail when I do not look at politics as a business to judge it based on economics. What any stock holder demands of his business is that it either increases in value or pays dividends. When the stockholder finds that his holdings are not profitable he makes a change. This stockholder has the freedom to make this change. The problem we have with the business of government is that we must continue to invest our money ,by force, in a business that does not pay a dividend to the investors based on their investment.
It is my opinion that an election is a form of revolution. The process was designed by our founders so that only in the most extreme cases would we ever have to resort to intimidation or violence. It also was designed that we may all bear arms so that we would be able to remain peaceful during our various revolutions. We have inalienable rights given to us through the constitution to revolt through peaceful means and debate. Every weapon is used during the revolution. These weapons are also known as our Freedoms. These freedoms are the Freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, and right to petition the government. In addition the Second Amendment states that the Right to bear arms will not be infringed. Even though the interpretation of this amendment is argued every freedom loving American would be wise to draw the line at this argument and err in favor of personal protection against the Government. No good ever came from disarming a population.
Among the legal weapons we may keep in our arsenal as citizens of the population are the freedoms, the rights, and the wealth that we can accumulate legally. Money may be our most powerful form of ammunition we use during a revolution. If we are armed but have no ammunition our ability to fight is reduced to words. Words are good and ideas are good. But money is how we spread the words and the ideas. And ideas help us to gather money. When a government over burdens the population with taxes it also takes away that populations ammunition to use in a peaceful revolt. “Power to the people” was a popular mantra during the revolt of the sixties. “Power to the People that pay”, might be a better mantra.
So again the argument comes back to Business. Capitalism and Capital are the weapons of the population who earns. I ask myself this question. Do I want to invest my money in a company that has proven never to bring me a return on my investment? Do I want to invest in a company that hires workers to collect more money from its customers by force in exchange for fewer services? Do I wish to invest in a company that has thrown its business plan into the trash heap and has no business plan with return on investment in mind? Do I want to invest in a company that exempts its management staff from the requirements of its stockholders? If you are a Union member in America today you may want to ask your self these questions. You may wish to think of taxes as union dues. Think of these taxes as Union dues that are wasted by the union bosses. Union bosses who on the one hand are taking dues by force and than refusing to pay these dues themselves.
There is anger from the blind that are being given visions of the truth. The anger is being aimed at those who show the visions rather than those that the vision expose. Change; there is plenty of room for change. Not change from but change back to what This America was founded and framed to be. True freedom, true equality, true equal opportunity through capitalism with ethics is what we need to return to.

A political Platform:
The following are planks of a political platform that could turn back the trend of a growing government and growing taxes in a more painless but speedy way. To actually change government into a profitable investment should be the goal of all political platforms. .
1.       Establish criteria for determining what a nonessential federal government employee is. Than those employees that qualify as non essential would be laid off with full pay for the duration of their career cycle. They would have the option to find other careers in the private sector and would pay taxes at the rate established by this new platform.’ It is our feeling that it would be less costly to pay them to stay out of the government work force than it would be to pay for the support systems required to maintain them. Consider the cost of energy, office goods, automobiles furniture equipment etc... That would reduce the over all cost of operation. It could be at the discretion of the government tax department to decide if their other work should be deducted from the amount they receive from the Government. If than they chose to work in the private sector it would be at their discretion. It would also be the intent of this platform not to replace these workers. The entire laid off work force would be off the government payroll in a maximum of twenty years depending on the status of their cycle. The Government would be responsible to keep their retirement intact as it was presented to them upon their employment.
2.       Though it is the intent to change the tax code to one of a more equitable system, the new government platform would begin at the present rates and adjust as costs were cut in the bureaucracy. In the first year no withholdings will be taken out of the salaries of the employee. Taxes will be filed on the 15th of April of the next year. The government will send to each taxpayer a request for a loan of the amount considered to be owed by the taxpayer with an established interest amount due and standard language for a loan with interest and provisions. On April 15th or the following year the taxpayer will file again and the Government will repay the previous loan with interest and apply for next years loan based on the income of the citizen. In this way the Government would be established as the servant to the people as it should be.
3.       The Government in the first two years could begin to re prioritize the programs for operation. Allowing the private sector to bid on the services competitively. Also in the 3rd   year the money loaned in taxes would be spent on certain programs as specified in percentages by the tax lender. In so doing we could democratically establish what we the people of this country feel is important to spend money on. A list of programs that are specifically Federal Government services will be given to each tax lender and he will specify what percentages go to each item on the list. In this way individual state projects will be handled by the individual states. Again these policies establish for the Government entities, State and Federal a list of needs established by the tax lenders. At any time an individual or a corporation may tender a loan to the Government in addition to the tax loan at an agreed upon interest and payment contract.
4.       Another important change would be to establish a private organization funded by the government based on commissions to collect the moneys that were loaned in the so called stimulus packages. This private agency would set up the repayment schedule so that the entities could remain in business as they were held accountable to pay back these debts. The entities that would be commissioned to collect these debts would bid for the right to the contract and would be held accountable for the success of collection. The companies and individuals would be bound to repay these loans and if they default than the companies they owned if viable would be auctioned to other private companies to be run in a more efficient manner. No limits would be put on the capital gain of the company owners and stockholders except the limit induced by the repayment requirements.
Summary: The gist of my political idea is that the government is never held accountable in the same way any business or individual is held accountable. The money that government receives is never with a true return on investment based on the desires of those that put up the money. If in fact it is the function of the government to do other things besides protect our borders, enforce our laws and pick up our garbage than at least perform these other services with some return of investment to the “stockholders” of the government.

Friday, November 12, 2010


From White Sulphur Springs University                                                                               May 10, 2009
 Department of Economic Studies
 AUTHOR   John S Tucker            

The following is an Original Idea                                                                     
In most of my ideas there is always a great deal of altruism. To be altruistic is my nature. I believe that the more good an idea does for the most people the more creative the idea is. It is also more challenging and more rewarding. Certainly I would like to benefit from my ideas. Just as certainly I enjoy the benefits of sharing. This is my nature. My ideas are usually bigger than the people I suggest them to and definitely beyond my lone ability.
Brain Storming Idea
The first list of premises
1.       The Bank is not your friend.
2.       The Government is not your friend.
3.       Big business is not your friend.
4.       Wall Street is not your friend.
5.       Let those 4 above bail themselves out
6.       It is the responsibility of small business to render the government irrelevant.
7.       All those in the top 4 bailed each other out at the expense of the people who make the capital.
8.       We need to bail ourselves out.
9.       Be the Bank.
10.   The best business deal is designed so that all those involved are successful.
11.   The merits of a product are all that should be required to sell that product.
12.    In order to recruit representatives and sell to investors the product should be a salesman’s dream and a buyer’s dream.
13.   My father once told me that any fool could learn by his own mistakes but that a wise man can learn by another mans mistakes. Is it not also true that a wise man can learn by another mans success.
14.   I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

List of theorems
Everything we see, no matter how simple it may seem, was once some dreamer’s grandiose idea. The question is not the grandiosity of the idea but the size of the dreamer’s imagination and faith.” The more I see the impossibility of everything the more I believe the possibility of anything.” Can an idea make someone the wealthiest person in the world?
 Well who is the wealthiest person you know? Did an idea ultimately lead to their wealth? Did the idea seem impossible at the beginning? Was it the belief and faith in the idea that generated the power to transform the idea into wealth?
Every business eventually goes through the process of the early bird getting the worm and the “second rat” getting the cheese.  Every business, every government every religion gets to the point where the “bean counters” take over and the truth of the dream becomes lost. Therefore it is the wise dreamer who prepares for the time when the “second rat” will arrive. I believe in truth that the dreamer has more than the “bean counters” concern at the beginning of his idea. It takes more than a desire for wealth to generate the energy for a dreamer’s success. It takes more than a dream to complete the cycle to wealth. What is needed, according to John Smithgall, is Concept, capital, acumen, expedition. I agree whole heartedly. When these forces are harnessed to pull in a unified manner wealth is created. Management must be controlled after the thrill of victory is realized.
The ownership of the dream either as an end product or as a participant in the process is the means by which capital is generated. In the economics of today the individual, who depended on the big government and big business for his security has been rendered powerless while the “thieves” are being bailed out. It may be time to take advantage of the weaknesses of government and big business to create wealth for those who produce wealth. That is to let the producers keep for themselves what they themselves produce. They become the recipient by owning a corporation that does what the government and big business only promise BUT NEVER DELIVER.
THE HOME OWNERS LAND BANK is an instrument that is collateralized with the home real estate of the owner. This instrument has tied to it insurance, stocks, mutual funds, bonds securities cash dividends and the retirement plan of the owner. This becomes in essence a new form of currency. The LAND BANK manages the funds it receives just as a bank would with the difference that its profits are geared to the success of the stockholders (those with mortgages). The Real-estate appraisal would be extremely conservative but the value of the mortgage itself would be greater than the value of the real-estate due to the other instruments attached to it. This instrument can be transferred over time from property to property or from owner to owner as in exchanges for couples in retirement to couples just starting out. Also the tax implications on the income side through lobbying to the government could be phenomenal.

The product, a CO-OP, is owned by the mortgage holders of the instrument therefore they are the stockholders and they receive a share of the profits as well as discounts on every service provided. The instrument becomes a currency that the participant will utilize throughout his working life and retirement days. He will be able to trade with others as he moves up the ladder of wealth in his normal life. The advantage of course is that when he is investing in his home and the other services offered he is also investing in his own corporation. As an example he buys insurance for his home and person at the discounted price directly from the Insurance Company and receives part of the fees just as an agent would. The stockholder becomes the best advertisement and public relations instrument available.
This corporation as it grows will be able to buy the products for its owners at greater and greater discounts as volume increases. Outside participation will be encouraged through the sale of common stock to raise capital and widen the base of participation.
The outside participants would consist of those entities that would have additional incentive to invest. These investors would also probably invest at a preferred stock level with access to the mortgage and other discounted products. The investors likely to invest and have much to gain would be builders, material suppliers, insurance companies, mutual fund managers, homeowners, realtors, developers as well as simple speculators.
The greatest benefit is to the individual investor because it is a way to receive a maximum return on the money invested in their home and retirement. With proper strategies the system can work symbiotically with the people who are at retirement age and those that are just beginning their journey toward retirement. One of the major faults in this new strategy is that it requires intelligent customers who are educated enough to investigate the product and make sure that the risks are minimal and the benefits are optimal. As always I should add we should recommend diversity but diversity with discernment. Later as the product becomes more widely known we can begin to market it to the less educated. Eventually as the knowledge of the product expands the use of it will expand.
The other danger to the success of this product is if the premise that the investors are the primary recipients of the wealth is lost. This must never be the case. No one is more important than the smallest investor or the newest investor. When this concept is maintained a bloc of power is created, a power based on true capitalism, a power that can affect the politics of our Nation in a positive way. The thing that can come from this power for one is legislation that increases the tax advantages of such an entity.
A possible scenario might be that a couple with a home that is paid for has little else or a minimal amount for retirement. This home (appraised at a certain value could be traded for stock in the company based on its value and the retired couple could receive the advantages of the entity while growing the value of the company with these assets much like a reverse mortgage. This couple could receive assets through dividends based on the value of their investment.
Than a young couple buying a new property would begin putting cash into the company which would not only be paying for their home as an investment but growing their ownership in the assets of the Land Bank. The profits from interest from this couple turn into dividends for them and others such as the retired couple.
We develop a Land Bank that owns diverse assets mostly real-estate across the whole country. This CO-OP Eventually would become self insured with a diverse actuary and the ability to cut costs for all on insurance based on the diluted risks levels from one end of the country to the other. The possibilities are limitless I believe as development, building material supply and transportation become invested in the Bank. The control of conservative values is totally separated from any part of the government or business that is not part of the land bank.
There are pitfalls to this plan. The main priority is to protect this entity against the “second rat”. The business model and operating system must be written to insure that the basic premise can never be broken. That premise being that after operating costs which are kept to a frugal minimum all profits go to the shareholders. There are no” fat cats” and no “second rats.” There are many ways to achieve this goal which would be simply to have ethics as the basis of the business model.

In Summary:
The idea is simply a Bank that sells all other types of sound securities and investments to its stockholders at a discounted price and shares the profits with them so that they may have financial security. It also provides these products to non stockholders at competitive prices at a fair profit to share with its investors. Rather than spend profits on “brick and mortar” symbols to create an image the profits would be returned to the investors. The banking would be done over the internet rather than going to a branch or a main bank. A group of people who instigated and implemented this type of bank or corporation would be wealthy beyond material things.

List of properties and securities the Land Bank Could invest in
  1. Buy foreclosed properties at a bargain and resell to investors
  2. Insurance policies
  3. Lawsuit settlements
  4. Mortgages for refinance to stockholders
  5. Convert securities to cash.
  6. Interest bearing accounts.
  7. The investor could reinvest his dividends and earnings into additional securities, the land bank stock or the real estate as he saw fit.
  8.  Properly invested the instrument or mortgage could act as a whole life insurance policy or an annuity.
  9. The bank would be open to financing projects for builders and developers based on conservative appraisals and proper due diligence which would also allow the borrower stock ownership.
  10. The bank could invest in housing, developments and even whole planned communities based on the principles of the bank.
  11. It is possible that the return on investment toward the end of the mortgage could well be enough to pay the mortgage itself.
  12. The initial investment could be as small as the minimum amount required to start a bank.
  13. The Board Members and employees are all Stock Holders who are paid on commission based on the success of the investments rather than fees from the Stock Holders.
  14. Asset management includes insurance recovery implementation.
Please List reasons why this would not work so that we may know what has to be done to make it succeed.
1.       Too Good To Be True.
2.       Requires an intelligent investor.
3.       Greed of Management.
4.       Government resistance.
5.       Lack of proper legal and business model.
6.       The proper answer to the question,”what is in it for me”?
7.       Lack of a good Strategic Plan and Growth Schedule.
8.       Lack of experts with vision in the fields of insurance, law, finance, banking and marketing.
9.       Fear of success.
10.   The inability to operate outside of the proverbial box.
11.   Lack of Capital.
12.   Lack of a Leader with the knowledge of the “Significance of Importance” a Cajun Term.
13.   Perception.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

There is an old joke about a hired hand who got some whiskey from his boss. When asked how it was He said "just Right". If it was any worse I coulnd not drink it and if it was any better my boss would not have given it to me.
Les Miles is just right for LSU. If he talked any worse we wouldn't be able to understand him and if he talked any better some other school would steal him away from us. He is just right.